Mood: chillin'
Now Playing: She's Cold As Ice.. *BURRRRRR*
Buenos Tardes!
I know this is a later than normal entry, but I was busy with veggies this morning. As soon as I came home I was in the mood to start bagging the frozen veggies. Speaking of veggies, I need to quickly bag the asparagus I blanched and put in the freezer. (That was like 4 hours ago)
Anywho, I figured that since I have been slacking in the kitchen, I might as well start bagging while I have the energy to do so. All I have left is the asparagus. We have been having electrical issues for over a month now and I finally figured out what it was… the microwave! Yeah, I decided to move it to a different outlet, and turn on all the lights, just to see if it was the outlet or not. Well it was, until I plugged the microwave into another outlet and proceeded to heat something until it started to smoke… We NOW have a new microwave.
I messaged Flyboy about it and since he was on lunch I invited him to come with me to pick one out. Then we headed to subway for lunch and split a tuna sandwich. They actually made it well this time because it was the best tuna sandwich I have had in years, no joke.
I didn’t end up cooking the meat yesterday, it was too cold, and I had like no energy. I REALLY need to start cooking before my meat goes bad =S (I need to put my Christmas decorations away too!)
During lunch Flyboy was telling me that the Air Force will be having civilians conducting the PT tests. Pretty interesting. It basically means the tests will be harder to pass. So after he gets off work he has allowed me to work with him, instead of working separately. We will see how this goes. I made him promise not to complain, and I promised to let him get sleep at night (me and my night owl mentality). So I am hoping this goes well. =)
It is still in the low teens outside, and no snow, just icy goodness. I need to figure out what dinner will consist of, and I am kind of having trouble with it. Hmm…
Well, I think I am going to bag those frozen asparagus… stalks? (I think that is what they are called) Anyway, keep warm, take care and look out for geese. =)