Mood: lucky
Now Playing: Tumbling Laundry
Hello all!
I just got back from dropping Flyboy off at work. We went grocery shopping this morning together since he didn’t have to be at work until 1100. We got a lot of groceries this time, I did go over budget but I think the 30 extra bucks was well worth it.
Apparently MRE’s are coming out with expiration dates. =/ in a sense it is a good thing but in the other not so much. We are slowing stalking up on them to put in our emergency kits. (Or whatever you call them)
Tonight I am making Split Pea Soup for supper. I was debating between that and beef stew, and I asked The King what sounded better and he suggested Split Pea. Flyboy will be thrilled. So of course, now I need to do some dishes… blah.
I have emails to write out so I will get to that asap, I also need to wash Flyboy’s BDU’s, he has to wear them on Friday for this competition he is in. Which also means I better shiny up those boots too...
I really need to get started on the cooking, sorry for such a short entry. Hope you all are doing well and I will talk to you tomorrow!